Worlds largest reindeer herd plummets 全球最大野生馴鹿群數銳減


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Dabbawalas Deliver Food from Home  達巴瓦拉的午餐宅急便

Bertus van Aswegen

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Happiness no longer just a personal matter, but a policy issue 快樂不再只是一己之事,而是政策議題


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Table Manners around the World  世界各國的餐桌禮儀

Helen Yen

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CV shouldnt be embellished as lies will come back to bite you 履歷不該美化 因為謊言會反咬你一口


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Vespa in Vogue: the Stylish Scooter Stinging the Competition  時尚化身:偉士牌經典魅力 打造無敵競爭力


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Batteries That Make Use of Solar Power, Even in the Dark黑暗中 仍能善用太陽能的電池


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The Mystery of the Mini Pocket  牛仔褲迷你口袋之謎

James Baron

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Rump RecognitionChimps Remember Butts Same as Faces 臀部辨識:黑猩猩認屁屁功力不輸認臉


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The Chimei Museum: Fostering Art Appreciation in Taiwan   奇美博物館:培養藝術鑑賞力


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