Due to aging, South Korean population headed for structural reversal 高齡化使南韓人口面臨結構性反轉


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The Mad Scientist of YouTube  金鋼狼爪★彈射床☆噴火吉他:酷炫發明王


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Hubble spots evidence of water plumes on Jupiters moon Europa 哈伯望遠鏡在木星衛星「木衛二」察知水蒸氣噴發證據


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Taiwan — Hot Spring Heaven  台灣溫泉天堂


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Playtime meets shopping in Chinas malls 中國購物中心結合娛樂與消費


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Life Can Be Sweet without Sugar   無糖的甜美人生


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Scientists Rebuff Myth That all Cockroaches are Pests and are Immune to Radiation 科學家打破迷思:「蟑螂都是害蟲」及「不怕輻射線」


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Pokemon GO Takes the World by Storm 寶可夢狂潮大解密

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A Sculpture That Stands High Above  高聳參天的紅色螺旋塔


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The surprising science of yawning: The bigger your brain, the longer you yawn 打哈欠的驚人科學:你的腦袋愈大,打哈欠的時間愈長


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