A Healthy Economy of Fruits  寶島水果——台灣經濟之寶


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Huge long-necked dinosaurs had big, precocious babies 大型長頸恐龍有早熟的大寶寶


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Chuck Feeney : The Philanthropreneur Who Lives to Give 查克.費尼:免稅購物集團大亨的慈善之路


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Nepals female climbers blaze trails for themselves 尼泊爾女性登山家勇猛踏出自己的路


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San Fermin: Spain's Biggest Fete  狂熱西班牙──聖費爾明奔牛節


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3D printing begins to permeate everyday life 3D列印開始滲透我們的日常生活


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Bhutan: Land of the Thunder Dragon 不丹:雷龍之國


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Cop delivers pizza after delivery driver injured in crash 披薩送貨員車禍受傷 警察代勞


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Lisbon: Ancient Glories and Modern Woes里斯本的往日榮耀與今朝困境


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J.K. Rowlings Chair Sells for Nearly $400,000 at Auction J.K.羅琳的座椅以近40萬美元拍賣


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