Blake Mycoskie: "One for One" and All for All布雷克.麥考斯基:TOMS 潮鞋王國的慈善企業家


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Woman gives up house to care for thousands of cats 女子為照顧成千上萬隻貓放棄房子


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Move Over, China--India Set to Take Center Stage印度能否成為下一個中國?


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Long work hours put women at cancer, heart risks 長時間工作讓女性置身癌症、心臟病風險


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Charles M. Schulz: Working for Peanuts創造史努比的一雙手:查爾斯.舒茲


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Watson the sea-lion picks Euro soccer cup winners 海獅華生挑選歐洲足球錦標賽贏家


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Pathfinders and Changemakers: Nobel Prize Winners 改變世界的推手:諾貝爾獎得主


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1% of world population owns almost half of its wealth 全世界1%人口擁有近半數財富


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Celebrating the Wine Tradition in Bordeaux波爾多紅酒節:歡慶葡萄酒文化


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Beloved cherry trees get the axe over threat posed to relics備受喜愛但危及遺跡的櫻花樹將被砍


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