流浪狗悲歌 The Feral Dog Epidemic


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Uber will ban passengers with low ratings Uber將禁止評分低的乘客叫車


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探索巨型水晶洞 Exploring the Giant Crystal Cave


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Mysterious Mineral from Earths Mantle Discovered in South African Diamond 南非的鑽石內發現來自地函的神秘礦物


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Petal It Forward  花卉再利用,創造新生命


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Dark chocolate lowers risk of depression 黑巧克力可降低憂鬱症風險


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Throw Some Dirt on It! 在上面灑點泥土吧!


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Archaeologists in Peru unearth ancient mural reflecting on the importance of water 秘魯考古學家挖出揭示水資源重要性的古壁畫


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Opposites Attract, but Do Similarities Attract More? 異性相吸,但相似性是否更勝一籌?


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A Banana-Killing Fungus Has Reached Latin America 「香蕉殺手菌」已擴展至拉丁美洲


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