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Scientists find massive Mayan society under Guatemala jungle 科學家在瓜地馬拉叢林下發現大型馬雅社會


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串流媒體趨勢 In the Stream


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FinFET Technology Market Set to Surge by 2024 「鰭式場效電晶體」科技市場2024年料將風起雲湧


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Floating Cities, No Longer Science Fiction, Begin to Take Shape獨立且自給自足的新創國家 海上城市走出科幻小說


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What Causes Earthquake Swarm? 「群震」的成因為何?


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Male Nurses Explain Why Nursing Is a Job of the Future for Men男護理師 男性未來熱門行業


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Supermarkets must stop using plastic packaging, says former Asda boss 英國艾斯達超市前老闆:超市必須停止使用塑膠包裝


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Untamed Americas 野性美洲


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"Tabikaeru" a mobile game about a traveling frog is a big hit in China-「旅行青蛙」—一款關於青蛙旅行的手機遊戲,在中國蔚為風潮


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Psychologists: A Look into the Mind  揭開心理學家的神秘面紗


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JPSS-1 Has a New Name: NOAA-20 JPSS-1衛星有個新名字:NOAA-20


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A New Water Park That Helps the Disabled    全球首座無障礙水上樂園任你行~


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Rare marimo algae shown outside Japan for the 1st time-罕見的毬藻首度在日本以外地區展出


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Petit Pil: A Solution to a Growing Problem with Clothes可從小穿到大的童裝

Andrew Crosthwaite

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Britains iconic red phone boxes ring the changes-英國標誌性紅色電話亭大變身


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A Dog's Life關懷流浪狗 需要你幫忙


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NOAA-20 Sends Back First Science Data NOAA-20衛星傳回第一份科學數據


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Outdoor Offices: Wave of the Future?    新浪潮:戶外辦公室

精英翻譯社轉自: http://paper.udn.com/udnpaper/POH0062/322731/web/

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A dozen camels banned from Saudi beauty pageant for Botox use12隻駱駝因使用肉毒桿菌而遭禁止參加沙國選美

精英翻譯社轉自: http://iservice.ltn.com.tw/Service/english/english.php?engno=1172309&day=2018-01-27

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Themed Races: Run for Fun主題路跑:為趣味而跑!

精英翻譯社轉自: http://paper.udn.com/udnpaper/POH0058/250983/web/

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