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Climate change forces fashion students to study the weather 氣候變遷迫使時尚領域學生研究氣象


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Shoot It, Cut It, Get It in the Cannes  坎城影展:星光熠熠電影大融爐


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Workaholics Have Serious Psychiatric Disorder 工作狂有嚴重的精神疾病


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In Vermont, Slow Is the Way Forward  在佛蒙特州,盡情享受樂遊慢活

Mike Corsini

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Silent Taxis Japanese cab company bans drivers from starting conversations 無聲計程車:日本計程車公司禁止司機開啟話題


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Amazon Go's Convenient New Shopping Experience  
Amazon Go便利購物新體驗

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Huge Canadian river disappears in matter of days-加拿大的大河在幾天內消失不見


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Making Criticism Work for You  化批評為助力

Jay Sailors

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Seoul City considers gondola crossing the Han River 首爾特別市擬建跨漢江空中纜車


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Partying Down During Walpurgis Night歐洲春季狂歡慶典──沃普爾吉斯之夜


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Want to lose weight? Plan your lunch at breakfast time-想減重?早餐時間就計畫好午餐內容


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Cheesy Facts That Will Make You Hungry

Jay Sailors

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Korea to spend W38.4tr in 2017 to tackle low birthrate, aged society 韓國2017年將投入38.4兆韓元因應低出生率、高齡社會


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A Word to the Wise: The Benefits of Speaking a Second Language學第二語言讓你變聰明!

Ben Bousada

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Intelligent Thinkers Are Lazy, Non-Thinkers Are Active 聰明的思考者懶惰,非思考者活躍


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Skydiving Inside  酷炫逆風高飛‧超越巔峰

A new trend is letting people fly indoors.

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Could This Turmeric Hot Chocolate Treat Your Blues?這款薑黃熱巧克力能撫慰你的憂鬱嗎?


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Online Personality Quizzes: Do They Reveal the Real You?  線上心理測驗能反映真實個性嗎?

Mike Corsini

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China, Cherry Coke, and the Oracle of Omaha 中國、櫻桃可樂與奧馬哈先知


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Starbucks to Claim the Crown of Largest Global Restaurant Chain? 星巴克:全球連鎖餐廳新一哥?


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