
Biggest Mafia Crackdown in History

FBI* officers have arrested 127 people across the north-east US in one day. They are all believed to be members of the mafia, the well-known crime organisation. It is the largest ever crackdown on organised crime in a single day. The FBI say leaders of the five biggest mafia families in New York have all been arrested. They are involved in gambling, extortion and other illegal activities.

Many people believe the mafia is a problem of the past. It is true that the mafia has been weakened since the 1990s. A large number of gangsters have left “the mob” and testified against other gang members. Many mafia figures have been sent to prison for a long time. But the FBI’s director has warned that the secret crime organisation is still a danger to the American economy. He says these arrests are not the end of organised crime in New York. They are one more step in an on-going struggle.

*Federal Bureau of Investigation





  • arrest 逮捕
  • crackdown 鎮壓;痛擊
  • gambling 賭博
  • extortion 詐欺勒索
  • gangster 盜匪;流氓
  • testify 作證
  • prison 監獄


Writers try to avoid using names or words repeatedly because it is dull to read. By using alternative words, they can also give the reader more information. Instead of just being the mafia, it is also called organised crime, the mob and the secret crime organisation.



  1. Three people saw the crime and _____ in court.
  2. Police ______ him when he left his house.
  3. He broke the law, so they sent him to _____.
  4. All _____ apart from the national lottery is against the law in this country.
  5. Most _____ do not live to an old age.
  6. Gangs use _____ to get money from small businesses.
  7. The government is having a ______ on bad driving.


  1. testified
  2. arrested
  3. prison
  4. gambling
  5. gangsters
  6. extortion
  7. crackdown

(資料來源:British Council 英國文化協會)

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