
‘Friday’ Nets a Profit

The latest teen sensation has become famous not because she is so good, but because most people believe she is so bad. 13 year old Rebecca Black posted the music video of her song ‘Friday’ on youtube in February. The song, which includes banal lyrics like ‘Tomorrow is Saturday / And Sunday comes afterwards’ soon got attention, for all the wrong reasons.

By mid-March the song had gone viral. It picked up almost 30,000,000 views and hundreds of thousands of negative comments. Now, the views stand at over 60,000,000 and the comments keep coming. Rebecca, however, has risen above the anger directed at her. Her new-found fame has got her into the papers and on television. The song itself is estimated to have made her thousands of dollars, which she says she will give to help Japan’s disaster relief efforts. In the end, good or bad, the song has left Rebecca in the black.


近來在網路引起轟動的少女並非因為她非常傑出,而是因為大多數的聽眾痛批她的表現很糟。今年二月,年僅13歲的Rebecca Black將她的「星期五」新曲影片上傳到網路youtube頻道,這首歌的歌詞平庸,例如:「明天是星期六,而星期日則隨之而來。」但這首歌卻立即因為各種荒謬的理由而受到矚目。



  • Sensation 引起轟動的人物或事件
  • banal 平庸的
  • viral 病毒的
  • negative 負面的;否定的
  • rise above 超越;克服
  • lyrics 歌詞
  • estimate 估計


This article uses two financial puns. ‘Net a profit’ means make a profit, and also refers to the internet. ‘In the black’ also means ‘in profit’, and the girl’s name is Rebecca Black.

本文使用了兩個與「財務」相關的雙關語。「Net a profit」意指賺錢,同時也代表網路收益。「In the black」是指利潤,同時亦代表文中的少女歌手Rebecca Black。


  1. The company _______ they have made a 12% profit this quarter.
  2. The i-pad was an immediate __________ on its release.
  3. There has been a lot of _______ feedback about the new product.
  4. I hated Justin Bieber’s last single – it was ______!
  5. The last youtube video to go ______ was a laughing baby.
  6. You should try to _________ other people’s hurtful comments.
  7. I like the music but I don’t understand the ________.


  1. estimates
  2. sensation
  3. negative
  4. banal
  5. viral
  6. rise above
  7. lyrics

(資料來源:British Council 英國文化協會)

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