
DPP hosts televised debate for Taipei mayoral candidates (2014/03/09)

The DPP held a televised debate for four party members vying to become the party’s nominee for the Taipei mayoral election. Those participating today included: Annette Lu, Wellington Koo, Hsu Tien-tsair and Pasuya Yao. 

Four DPP candidates for the party’s nod to run in the Taipei mayoral race relished the opportunity to talk politics and help the party win back Taiwan’s capital city.

Wellington Koo
Taipei Mayoral Candidate 
Average house prices in some places are approaching NT$1mn per ping. Housing prices have substantially increased. I support renting and not selling public housing, along with improving both the quality and quantity of public childcare. 

Hsu Tain-tsair 
Taipei Mayoral Candidate
Taipei City suffers from corruption which is a systemic problem and potentially a crisis. For Taipei’s future, I propose three major directions, the first is the need for a good environment, administrative reform, and an upgrade of industry.

Former Vice President Annette Lu concurred on many of these issues, and said rescuing a weak economy would be a top priority.

Annette Lu
Taipei Mayoral Candidate
Why am I running even though I have served as a legislator and two terms as Taoyuan County Commissioner as well as two terms as vice president. I am running because I am worried that someone may deliberately take advantage of this election, potentially opening up to an enemy (like China). I'm worried that someone has links with a financial group and could potentially give away Taipei’s prime real estate. 

Pasuya Yao turned the focus on his the three other competitors running for the party’s nomination, stating that their comments were overly political and lacked practicality, potentially making them more suited to running for president or premier. 





[[台北市長參選人 顧立雄]]
“有些地方的平均房價,每坪甚至逼近一百萬,房價的問題我主張大幅增加,只租不賣的社會住宅,幼兒的照顧我主張, 提高公共托育的品質跟數量,長收托的時間”

[[台北市長參選人 許添財]]


[[台北市長參選人 呂秀蓮]]




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