Cirque du Soleil: A Circus Like No Other  獨一無二的視覺饗宴 —— 太陽劇團




  Cirque du Soleil, which in English means Circus of the Sun, is a show unlike any other. While most circuses feature animals, there are none to be found in Cirque du Soleil. The Cirque also does not have a ring in which the acts take place. Instead, these highly creative shows present acrobats performing fantastic stunts along with powerful, dramatic music. There are numerous Cirque du Soleil shows based on various themes. One show, named Love, is built around the music of The Beatles, for example. Another Cirque show features Michael Jackson's hits as well as his looks from different stages of his career. Currently, about 4,000 people in about 40 countries work on all the different Cirque du Soleil performances, and it is the biggest producer of artistic shows in the world.

  Cirque du Soleil 在英文裡的意思為太陽的馬戲表演,是一種與眾不同的表演。雖然大部分的馬戲表演都是以動物為主要特色,但是在太陽劇團裡連一隻動物都看不到。這個劇團也沒有表演節目的環狀場地。這些極具創意的表演呈現給觀眾的反而是雜技演員伴隨強而有力且戲劇效果十足的音樂來表演驚人的特技。太陽劇團有許多表演是以各種不同的主題為依據的。比如說,一場名為『愛』的表演就是以披頭四的音樂為基礎打造的。另外一場太陽劇團的表演是以麥可‧傑克森的暢銷歌曲以及他生涯不同階段的造型為主要特色。目前,大約有四千人在大約四十個國家進行不同的太陽劇團表演,而太陽劇團也是全球藝術表現規模最大的製作單位。

  Today, Cirque du Soleil earns roughly US$1 billion a year, but the company was once very small. It was formed in 1984 in Canada's mostly French-speaking province of Quebec by two street performers, Guy Laliberte and Gilles Ste-Croix. These men struggled at first, almost going bankrupt6 in the early stages. Eventually, their vision of a new type of circus began to amaze crowds, and Cirque du Soleil became a huge success.

  現在,太陽劇團每年賺進約十億美元,但是這個劇團的規模曾經很小。它是由 Guy Laliberte Gilles Ste-Croix(編按:這兩個人名皆為法文)這兩位街頭藝人於 1984 年在加拿大主要為法語區的魁北克省所成立的。這兩個人剛開始很辛苦,初期幾乎要破產。最後,他們所構思的新型態馬戲表演開始讓群眾感到驚奇,因而太陽劇團也變得非常成功。


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