
A Taste of Pancakes across the Planet





Molly Leonard


In a great many regions of the world, you'll be sure to find pancakes on the menu. Pancakes are any kind of round, flat cake made from cooked batter; there are numerous varieties, which can be sweet, savory, or both. The ingredients in pancakes also differ from region to region and can include wheat, rice, corn, and even potatoes. 在世界許多地方,你一定可以在菜單上找到鬆餅。鬆餅是任何一種用煮過的麵糊做成的圓扁形糕餅;種類繁多,可以是甜的、鹹的,或者兩者兼具。鬆餅的原料也因地而異,可能包括小麥、米、玉米,甚至馬鈴薯。


Perhaps the best-known European pancakes are crepes. A French treat, crepes are made by pouring batter into a wide, flat pan and smoothing it out into a thin disc. The resulting pancake can be folded and filled with any number of fillings like fruit, cheese, chocolate, or ice cream. Crepes are served as either an afternoon snack or an evening dessert.



For Canadians and Americans, pancakes are typically a breakfast dish. They are much thicker than crepes, served hot with butter and maple syrup on top. Also known as flapjacks or hotcakes, they are often eaten with a side of eggs and bacon.



The Russian blin is a snack that has become popular throughout Eastern Europe. Traditionally, blini are made from buckwheat. Like crepes, blini are thin and can be folded and filled or topped with sour cream, smoked salmon, or caviar.



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