
Legal Here, Illegal Theres 什麼?!這是違法的?




Laws differ from country to country, so what is acceptable where you live may be illegal somewhere else. Knowing this can give you some insight into the values of other societies. It can also help you stay out of trouble when traveling.



For example, ketchup may be just an ordinary food dressing for us, but in France, it is seen as a cultural threat. The French government has banned this American condiment from school and college cafeterias across France to preserve French cuisine. It did make one exception, though: Ketchup may be served with French fries.

舉例來說,番茄醬對我們而言也許只是一種平常的食物醬料,但在法國則被視為一種文化威脅。法國政府已在全國各級學校和大學的自助餐廳裡禁止這種美式調味料,以保存法國美食。不過確實有個例外:番茄醬可以配薯條。(編註:薯條的英文 French fries字面意思指「法式炸物」)


While France banned ketchup to protect its culture, Canada, the United States, and several European countries have blocked the sale of fruit jelly cups to save lives. Governments decided to ban these bite-sized snacks following reports of people choking to death from eating them.



Environmental protection is another reason that certain products have been made illegal. To maintain its image as a clean country and to prevent public spaces from being littered with gum, Singapore banned the sale and import of chewing gum. Therefore, if you're going to Singapore, leave your packs of gum at home!



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