




[[紀錄片導演 莊益增]]
‘當然我們拍紀錄片,其實都有一種拋磚引玉的效果,像《無米樂》這五 六年來,我覺得我們的媒體 社會 社運團體,我覺得都有比較多的關注,在農業 土地的議題上面’

繼《無米樂》之後,莊益增不僅想要記錄,這塊土地上的故事 ,更想呈現台灣歷史的感動

《牽阮的手》擺脫悲情 嚴肅,莊益增從一對,長年投入反對運動的夫妻,動人的愛情故事出發,勾畫出橫跨六十年的,台灣民主運動發展史

[[紀錄片導演 莊益增]]


[[紀錄片導演 莊益增]]
” 《牽阮的手》後面的背景,我們都要一一收集資料,譬如說每個年代的公車都長得不一樣,每個年代的計程車長得不一樣,建築物當然更不一樣,像這種小東西,我們都要一一去找出照片來,找出參考圖片來,動畫公司在製作的時候,才有所依據”

[[紀錄片導演 莊益增]]
”我們也沒什麼宣傳經費,所以自己做海報 自己拿出來張貼”

走遍大街小巷,親自放傳單 貼海報,莊益增為了拍紀錄片 掏光積蓄,只為了實踐對台灣這塊土地的熱愛

[[紀錄片導演 莊益增]]
”民主自由絕對不是天上掉下來的,我透過這個片子想讓觀眾看到的是,我們今天有民主自由,是因為有成千上萬的人,那些人 可能他們臉孔長什麼樣子,我們都不知道,他們叫什麼名字 我們都不知道,大部分的人,這是他們犧牲奉獻 堅持理想的結果,我覺得這個片子,最想讓觀眾看到他們堅持理想的精神”

[[電影行銷人員 王師]]
”紀錄片其實是一個社會的相簿,如果說一個家庭沒有相簿,你就會遺忘掉家族的歷史,我覺得對社會也是一樣,紀錄片一直以來它有一個特色,它很獨立 甚至有點叛逆的性質,拿著攝影機的導演,其實永遠站在,主流媒體 主流觀點 當權者的對立面,所以紀錄片捕捉的議題,常常都是被忽略的那群人,譬如說一群老去的人,一群生病的人,一群因工受傷的人,一群被歷史所遺忘的人,其實觀眾看到這些作品是會感動的,因為那是有別於自己的生命經驗”

其實除了莊益增,台灣這些年,還有許多知名的紀錄片導演,透過包羅萬象的題材,記錄了台灣各個角落 各種面向

[[紀錄片導演 楊力州]]
”紀錄片才能夠落實這個社會,落實我們認識台灣的一個樣貌,最棒的一種電影形式,當觀眾在戲院裡面哈哈大笑的時候,其實我已經準備好,一個非常具有社會議題的訊息,只是它被包在膠囊裡面,所以當每個人哈哈大笑的時候,(社會議題)就已經丟進去他嘴裡了,慢慢膠囊就溶解,他才發現有點苦澀的味道,他因為有感動 進而產生了認同,因為有認同,才有可能有改變的力量”

或許,紀錄片,沒有商業電影的聲光娛樂效果 ,但是紀錄片,卻能呈現社會最真實的樣貌,讓影像承載了更多的意義和使命

Films such as “Cape No. 7” and “Seediq Bale” have drawn attention to the power of domestic movies at the box office. But local documentaries and art films are also flourishing. Tonight we take a look at the documentary filmmaker Juang Yi-tseng莊益增. On tight budgets often padded with his own savings, Juang explores social and historical issues to present realistic tales of life on this island.

The person putting up film posters is the director Juang Yi-tzeng莊益增. He uses his camera to document life in Taiwan. His best-known work is the film “Let It Be.”

The film heads to Tainan’s Houbi Township to tell the tale of an old farmer who remains committed to life on the farm. The film exposes a wider audience to traditional agriculture in Taiwan and its enjoyable, but difficult way of life.

Juang Yi-tzeng
Documentary Filmmaker
When making a documentary, there is a sort of catalyst effect. For example, over the past five or six years “Let it Be” has led the media, society and social groups to pay more attention to issues related to agriculture and the land.

After "Let it Be,” Juang decided to move on to Taiwanese history.

"Hand in Hand" is a tragic tale of a couple that spent years in Taiwan’s opposition movement. It is a love story that spans six decades and traces the birth of Taiwan's democracy.

Juang Yi-tzeng
Documentary Filmmaker
Whether it’s documentary or narrative film, we don’t touch on history much. There are some historical documentaries, but they aren’t very good. Our motivation was to tell the history of Taiwan in a more vivid style.

To make history more exciting, Juang abandoned the traditional practice of documentaries and employed a lot of 3D animation and old songs to draw in the audience.

Juang Yi-tzeng
Documentary Filmmaker
“Hand in Hand” had a lot of background information that we needed to collect. For example the busses, taxis and buildings from each era looked different. For each item we had to collect many old photographs to provide reference information for the animation company.

Juang Yi-tzeng
Documentary Filmmaker
We have no PR budget, so we have to make our own posters and put them up.

The director put the posters on streets and alleys. He emptied his personal savings to make this important documentary for the people of Taiwan.

Juang Yi-tzeng
Documentary Filmmaker
Democracy and freedom do not fall from the sky. Through this film, I wanted the audience to see that we have democracy and freedom because of thousands of faceless people whom we do not know. We are enjoying the result of their sacrifice and dedication. With this film, I wanted to show their ideals and spirit.

Wang Shih
Film Promoter
A documentary is like a photo album for the community. If your family doesn’t have an album, its history will be forgotten. I think that documentaries serve the same purpose. They can be independent and even a little rebellious. The director holding the camera traditionally represents the antithesis of mainstream media and the point of view of those in power. A documentary can capture issues that have been ignored. For example it can look at the old, the sick, those injured in work-related accidents or those forgotten by history. The audience can be touched by these stories because they are different from their own life experience.

Aside from Juang Yi-tzeng, several other talented documentary filmmakers have trained their cameras on Taiwanese society over the past few years.

Yang Li-chou
Documentary Filmmaker
Documentary films can represent society and create an awareness of Taiwan. They are best when they cause the audience to laugh and smile. I've prepared a film that touches on important social issues but is wrapped in humor, like encapsulating it into a protective pill and then throwing into the mouth of the audience. As the capsule slowly dissolves, there will be a bitter taste. It may move the person, create a new awareness and potentially effect change.

Though documentaries usually aren’t as entertaining as narrative commercial films, they are a more realistic reflection of the community. They can carry greater significance and importance.



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