


[[台經院主任 孫明德]]
“情況最壞可能就在6、7月 慢慢的可以從數據上看出來 有止跌回穩的跡象 下個月只要經濟數據有好轉 燈號轉變的機會蠻大的”


[[cg out]][台經院院長 洪德生]]
“7月景氣有觸底回溫的態勢 Q3、Q4到底整個情勢會怎樣 朝著改善的方向在走 至少沒有惡化”

雖然景氣連續亮出9個藍燈,七月的分數比前一個月多了1分, 至少是正面走向

For the ninth straight month the Council for Economic Planning and Development announced that it has a sluggish short-term outlook for the economy. But analysts feel the bottom has been reached and expect improvement in the coming months.

The Council for Economic Planning and Development flashed another blue light for July for its composite monitoring indicator. It was the ninth straight month outlook was deemed sluggish, dating back to November. It is the second longest streak since the indicator system came into use.

Gordon Sun
TIER Director
Conditions could have hit bottom in June and July. Data show that the decline has gradually come to an end and stability is returning. If economic data improves next month, there is a good chance that the overall monitoring indicator can change.

Analysis by the Taiwan Institute of Economic Research, or TIER, says the economic outlook should soon improve. It cites an improved business climate in the manufacturing and service industries.

David Hong
TIER President
Trends in July show that the bottom was reached and improvement was underway. In the third and fourth quarters we can expect improvement. Conditions won’t get worse.

The score of the composite monitoring indicators increased by one point from June, supporting analyst claims that conditions will improve.


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