
When Less Is More  少即是多 微型機器人拯救世界




You may not be familiar with the US agency DARPA (Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency), but you are no doubt familiar with some of the agency’s accomplishments. Since DARPA is under the Department of Defense, you may think their cutting-edge technological success must have something to do with war. You would be only partially correct. Take the internet for example. Yes, that was one of DARPA’s projects. How about humanoid robots? Though they were at first a science-fiction creation, DARPA has brought them to life. Now the agency has set its sights on the miniaturization of robots. The Robot Olympics, featuring one- to two-centimeter-sized robots, is set to kick off in March 2019. The new DARPA program called SHRIMP (Short-Range Independent Microbiotic Platforms) shows that even the military has a sense of humor.

你或許對美國機構 DARPA(國防高等研究計劃署)不甚熟悉,但你肯定對這個機構的某些成就耳熟能詳。由於 DARPA 隸屬於國防部,你可能會認為他們在尖端科技上的成功一定和戰爭有關。你只答對了一部分。就舉網際網路為例吧。沒錯,它是 DARPA 的其中一個計畫。那人型機器人呢?雖然它們一開始只是科幻小說裡的產物,DARPA 已使它們成為現實。如今,該組織著眼於將機器人微型化。奧林匹克機器人大賽預計於 2019 年三月揭幕,主打只有一至兩公分大的機器人。DARPA 這項新的計畫名為 SHRIMP(短程獨立微型機器人平臺),證明了即使是軍方也有幽默感(編按:該計畫的縮寫 SHRIMP 一字在英文中為「蝦子」之意。)。


Smaller can sometimes be much better. The advantages of small-scale machines are obvious: they are cheaper, more easily hidden or disguised, and programmable to perform many tasks. Powered by tiny batteries and computer microchips, they can find and relay back to their handlers important information. In peacetime, they may be used in search-and-rescue operationsafter natural disasters or for inspecting dangerous environments. The Robot Olympics will test private companies’ inventions to see which mini-robot can jump the farthest, lift the most weight, and maneuver the best. Winning entriesmay receive government contracts to further develop and apply these tiny miracle workers to medicine, surveillance, sensory improvement, and more.



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