Do You Speak “Cat”?  聽貓在說話




Cats are generally considered quiet animals. However, if you’re a cat owner, you likely know that cats make all sorts of noises: they purr, meow, and even hiss! But what do all of these noises mean?



Many people believe that a cat’s meow is its main means of communicating with us. Studies have shown that cats usually only meow to communicate with humans. In the wild, adult cats don’t meow around other cats. On the other hand, kittens will make the sound to call for their mothers. And since house cats think of humans as their parents, meows often mean that they want something.



A cat usually purrs when it’s feeling good. However, on rare occasions, it means that the cat is afraid. Some studies also claim that purring can help restore a cat’s muscles, bones, and skin. In fact, listening to a cat’s purr may even help humans in the same way!



Lastly, a cat’s hiss sends a clear message: it feels angry or unsafe. So don’t get too close to a hissing cat, or you may regret it!



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