
The Gorgeous Spectacle of the Tung Blossoms  五月雪紛飛




by William Ryan


Hakka in Taiwan once depended on the tree’s seed oil for income. Tung trees were first brought to Taiwan during the Japanese colonial period and cultivated in the island’s hilly regions near Hakka settlements. Glue-like and water-resistant, tung tree oil was in demand in furniture-making and boat-building. Cheaper synthetic products would later replace its use in these industries, and the tree’s economic importance diminished. However, tung flower blossoms endure as a unique and essential symbol of Hakka culture, reflecting deep, heartfelt gratitude towards the tung tree, the mountains, and nature.



Each spring, from mid-April until mid-May, Hakka people cherish, celebrate, and share their cultural heritage. As massive amounts of white flower petals blanket the ground, the spectacular Tung Blossom Festival gets underway, bringing joy and renewal to all. Since its inauguration in 2002, the festivities have grown from a one-day event to a month-long, island-wide celebration, with millions in attendance every year. According to tradition, the occasion is a sacrifice to the guardian spirits on behalf of the Hakka people and also on behalf of the flowers.

每年春天的四月中旬至五月中旬之際,客家人珍惜、慶祝並分享他們的文化遺產。隨著大量的白色花瓣如地毯般鋪在地上(編按:本句原文使用 amounts 而非 numbers 來接複數名詞,係因語意所需而形成的搭配,表整體數量而非個別數目),壯觀的桐花祭展開,為眾人帶來歡樂和復甦。自該慶典從 2002 年開辦以來,已從一天的活動轉變成為期一個月、遍及全島的慶典,每年有數百萬人參與。根據傳統,這個盛典是代表客家人與這些花朵向守護神靈的獻祭。


The main areas to see these flowers in bloom are in Miaoli and Taoyuan, and Dongshih in Taichung. These places are comprised of mountain trails that are not known for their accessibility. Not to worry. For those wishing to see the "May snow," as fallen tung blossoms are affectionately known, there are also numerous scenic trails and easy-access itineraries practically island-wide.



Wander around the Hakka village of your choice, and don’t miss the festival highlight—sampling the sumptuous culinary treasures and refreshments!

在你所選的客家村落漫步,並且別錯過慶典的重頭戲 ── 品嚐奢華的佳餚和點心吧!


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