An Egg-cellent Dessert蛋塔的起源


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Cambodia’s royal oxen predict plentiful rice harvest - 柬埔寨皇牛預測稻米豐收


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Capitalism Camp for Kids 兒童夏令營學「創業」 最小才8歲


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The Extinction Rebellion activists want you to give up hope 「反抗滅絕」環保人士要人們放棄希望


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Junji Ito: Japan’s Master of Horror Manga 日本當代恐怖漫畫大師 ── 伊藤潤二


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Donations, pigs part of Las Vegas’ efforts to cut food waste 捐贈、豬隻是拉斯維加斯減少食物浪費努力的一環


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A Smooth Mix—Ben Bousada 嗅聞犬:生態環境的保護者


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Climate Breakdown Could Send Crabs And Octopuses Blind 「氣候崩壞」可能導致螃蟹和章魚失明


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The World's Fastest Train 全世界最快的列車


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Can Japan end its love affair with plastic?-日本人對塑膠品的愛好有可能停止嗎?


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