Paper Cathedrals 環保‧重生‧紙教堂
Many countries in the world have to live with earthquakes. Most of the time, they only cause a small amount of inconvenience. Perhaps we are woken up in the middle of the night or get a bit of a fright. Sometimes, however, earthquakes cause a lot of damage. Houses, schools, and other buildings are destroyed, and it takes many months, and even years, to rebuild.
In 1995, there was a large earthquake in Japan that, unfortunately, destroyed the Takatori Catholic Church. Soon afterwards, Shigeru Ban, a famous architect, built a temporary church made of paper tubes. He generously paid for the construction, which was named the Paper Dome. The dome was later replaced with a permanent church in 2005.
1995 年時,日本發生了一場大地震,不幸的是,它摧毀了鷹取教會。不久之後,知名建築師?茂打造了一座用紙管搭造的臨時教堂。他很慷慨地支付了建造的費用,而這棟建築物被命名為『鷹取 Paper Dome 紙教堂』。這座教堂後來於 2005 年時被一座永久的教堂取代。
In 1999, thousands of buildings, including a church in Nantou, were destroyed when the 921 Earthquake struck Taiwan. The Japanese people kindly gave the materials from the Paper Dome to rebuild Nantou's church.
1999 年時,上千棟建築物,包括南投縣的一座教堂在 921 大地震襲擊台灣時被摧毀。日本人很好心地提供來自鷹取 Paper Dome 紙教堂的材料來重建南投縣的教堂。
In 2011, an earthquake struck Christchurch in New Zealand. The citizens asked Shigeru Ban to design a cardboard cathedral similar to the Paper Dome he had built 16 years earlier. The cathedral was completed in 2013, making it one of the top spots in New Zealand to visit.
2011 年時,一場地震襲擊了紐西蘭的基督城。該城的市民們要求?茂設計一座類似於他十六年前打造的鷹取 Paper Dome 紙教堂的硬紙板製大教堂。這座大教堂於 2013 年時完工,並成為了紐西蘭最值得參訪的地點之一。