Follow the White Rabbit 愛麗絲的奇幻旅程
Alice's Adventures in Wonderland, also known as Alice in Wonderland, was first published on November 26, 1865, by Charles Lutwidge Dodgson. Dodgson, who went by the pen name Lewis Carroll, came up with the story while entertaining his friend's children. One child in particular was a little 10-year-old girl named Alice Liddell. One day while rowing down a small river, Liddell asked Dodgson to entertain them with an amazing story, and what followed were the beginnings of Alice's adventures through Wonderland.
《愛麗絲夢遊仙境》又簡稱為《Alice in Wonderland》,由查爾斯‧路特維奇‧道奇森在 1865 年十一月二十六日首次出版。以路易斯‧卡羅為筆名的道奇森在逗他朋友的孩子們開心時想出這個故事。其中特別有個孩子是十歲的小女孩叫愛麗絲‧李德爾。有一天他們順著小河划船而下時,李德爾要求道奇森說個精彩的故事帶給他們歡樂,接下來的故事便是愛麗絲在仙境冒險故事的開端。
In the story, Alice follows a white rabbit into a rabbit hole. The chase leads down a long spiral staircase and into a room full of locked doors of many different sizes. Along the way, Alice meets a variety of different characters, who may have been based upon real people living in England during that time. Being a mathematician, Dodgson used many mathematical symbols in the story as well as other indirect references to English history and culture. Dodgson's Alice in Wonderland has entertained readers for more than 150 years and has been adapted into many shows for television and film. Whether big or small, a trip through Wonderland is nothing to be late for.