Tartan Day 格子控不能錯過的『格紋日』
It's time to dust off your kilt▼ and bagpipes▼ for this fun festival.
Some holidays have everything — parades, music, and dancing. But men wearing skirts? No, not skirts, but kilts featuring the tartan, or plaid▼ patterns. These patterns, important symbols of Scottish heritage▼, are where Tartan Day takes its name from.
有些假日什麼都有 —— 遊行、音樂和跳舞。但是男人穿裙子呢?不對,不是裙子,是以蘇格蘭方格花紋或格子圖案為特徵的蘇格蘭裙。這些圖案是代表蘇格蘭文化傳統的重要標誌,也是格紋日名稱的由來。
The tartan pattern is not native to Scotland but came to the highlands of Scotland sometime in the 16th century. It was soon adopted and became part of Scottish culture. Then in the 1800s, the tartan was used to tell which area of the highlands a person came from by looking at the color and pattern. Later, the tartan came to represent specific highland clans▼, or family groups.
方格圖案並非源自蘇格蘭當地,而是在十六世紀左右傳到蘇格蘭高地。它很快就被採用並成為蘇格蘭文化的一部分。後來到了 1800 年代,藉由看顏色及花樣,方格圖案可以被用來辨識一個人來自高地裡的哪個區域。後來,方格圖案開始代表特定的高地氏族,或家族。
Today, tartan kilts are worn to celebrate Scottish culture on Tartan Day on April 6th. It is celebrated mainly outside of Scotland by the children of Scottish immigrants. Actually, the first Tartan Day was held in New York City in 1982. Nowadays, the holiday is marked with high-kicking highland dancing, bagpipe music, and other celebrations of all things Scottish. And of course, everyone around the world who has a little bit of Scottish in them proudly puts on their tartan and kilt. For them, it's the best holiday of the year.
現今,格子花呢裙在四月六日格紋日時被穿來頌揚蘇格蘭文化。這個節日主要是由蘇格蘭移民的小孩在蘇格蘭以外的地方慶祝。事實上,第一個格紋日是於 1982 年在紐約市舉辦。現在,人們以高地高踢腿舞、風笛音樂以及其他一切與蘇格蘭相關的慶祝活動來紀念這個節日。而且當然,世界各地有點蘇格蘭血統的人都很驕傲地穿上他們的格子織物和蘇格蘭裙。對他們來說,這是一年之中最棒的假日。