伊斯蘭教和非洲藝術 The Art of Islam and Africa
Art from around the world has various styles and looks. During the Middle Ages, Muslims from North Africa conquered much of Spain. They developed a very different architecture style from the Gothic style.
One of the main features of Islamic architecture is the minaret. Most mosques─Islamic houses of worship─have four minarets. These are tall towers found at each of the four corners of a mosque. Many Islamic buildings have domes, too. A dome is a rounded roof or a ceiling on a building. The Dome of the Rock in Jerusalem, Israel, and the Taj Mahal in Agra, India, are two beautiful examples of Islamic architecture.
伊斯蘭建築的一個主要特色就是喚拜塔。大部分的清真寺── 伊斯蘭教的朝拜場所── 有四個喚拜塔,也就是座落於清真寺四個角落的高塔。許多伊斯蘭建築也會有圓頂,也就是建築物上面的圓形屋頂或天花板。位於以色列耶路撒冷的圓頂清真寺,和印度阿格拉的泰姬瑪哈陵,是兩座相當優美的伊斯蘭建築。
In Africa, artists made both statues and masks. A long time ago, many African people did not write down their histories. They remembered things from the past by singing songs, dancing, and making works of art. To remember their ancestors, they carved sculptures and made many masks. The sculptures were typically made of terra cotta or brass. They depicted people and animals. The masks showed various faces. African people wore them when they performed mask dances.