China Banned 23 Million People From Traveling Last Year for Poor ’Social Credit’ Scores
Millions of people in China last year were barred from traveling and even getting a better job because of their failure to pay fines, among other minor offenses.
China’s National Public Credit Information Center released a report that said it stopped 17.5 million people from buying airplane tickets and 5.5 million from hopping on a train in 2018 because they had low "social credit" scores. Another 290,000 people were stopped from getting a high-paying senior management job and 128 people couldn’t leave the country because they hadn’t yet paid taxes.
Since 2014, China has been testing out a social credit system that takes points away from people for minor offenses. So, if people don’t pay fines on time, fail to pay their taxes, or even engage in false advertising, their social credit scores could drop.
Chinese citizens living under the system have little leverage in improving their social credit scores without paying their fines.