


There are over 23 million people in Taiwan. Because Taiwan is very mountainous, most of its population lives on the western plains. There are over 651 people per square kilometer in Taiwan. Taipei, undoubtedly, has the highest population density in Taiwan, with over 2.6 million people inhabiting this city.


The indigenous peoples were the first people to live on the island. Today, there are officially 16 tribes, and indigenous people make up about two percent of Taiwan's population. The largest tribe is the Amis. The Amis live mostly in Hualien and Taitung. The indigenous peoples depend on farming and fishing for a living.


Taiwan's indigenous people were no longer able to live in peace once other peoples began arriving seeking to claim power. In 1624, the Dutch took over Taiwan. They ruled over most of the island until the first large Chinese army arrived in 1661. This army was led by a Chinese general named Koxinga (Zheng Chenggong). He was fighting the Manchu Emperor in China and had to escape to Taiwan. He died soon after he got to Taiwan. Following that, many Chinese people came to live on the island. Most of the indigenous people escaped to the mountains, but some stayed on the plains. The ones who stayed behind married the Chinese settlers. This is why most Taiwanese people are actually a mixture of different races.


Nowadays, the population of Taiwan consists of Taiwanese, also called Hoklo or Holo, mainlanders, and indigenous people. There is also a group of Chinese called Hakka. Hakka people have managed to keep their own language and customs. Most of the mainlanders came to Taiwan in 1949 because of political problems in China. Today, the population of Taiwan is 70% Hoklo or Holo, 15% Hakka, 13% mainlander, and 2% indigenous. Many foreigners also live in Taiwan.

如今,台灣人口包括台灣人(又稱福佬人或河洛人)、外省人和原住民。還有一群來自中國的客家人,努力保存自己的語言和習俗。大多數外省人都是在1949 年時,由於中國的政治問題來到台灣。目前台灣人口有70%是福佬人或河洛人,15%是客家人, 13%是外省人,還有2%是原住民,也有很多外國人住在台灣。


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