


In 2015, a virus called the Middle East Respiratory Syndrome (MERS) spread from Saudi Arabia to South Korea. By early June, it had infected over 1,333 people, resulting in at least 471 deaths.


This is not the first time the world has seen a dangerous new disease. In 2002, the Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome (SARS) appeared, spreading throughout Asia and beyond. Like MERS, SARS was a coronavirus, the same kind that causes the common cold. By the time SARS fizzled out, it had killed over 774 people.

這並非全球首次遭遇新型態的危險疾病,2002 年爆發了「嚴重急性呼吸系統綜合症」(SARS),疫情延燒全亞洲及其他地區。SARSMERS一樣,是由冠狀病毒所引致,冠狀病毒也是引起普通感冒的病毒。俟SARS疫情平息,死亡人數已達774例。

The sudden appearance of new and dangerous diseases is a big threat. In the past, diseases could only spread as far as humans could take them. An outbreak might affect a city or region, but it wouldn’t spread further because travel was so slow. Nowadays the situation is different. A person infected with MERS can fly to the other side of the world in ten hours. If he or she infects someone else on the plane, that person might fly somewhere else. In mere days we could have a global pandemic on our hands.



Luckily there is a global organization fighting this global threat. The United Nations World Health Organization (WHO) is always first on the scene when a new disease appears. It acts as a command center, sending doctors, testing patients, and issuing travel warnings if necessary. Whether it's SARS, MERS, or whatever comes next, the WHO has the tools to beat the diseases of the 21st century.

幸好我們有全球性的組織來對抗全球性的威脅。每當新型態疾病出現,世界衛生組織(WHO)總會站在第一線把關。世衛組織就如同防疫指揮中心,派遣醫師、檢驗病患、必要時發布旅遊警示。不論是SARSMERS 或未來其他危機,世衛組織都有辦法戰勝二十一世紀的各種病症。


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