A court in Thailand on Wednesday sentenced a prominent pro-democracy activist to three years in jail for royal defamation.
Panupong Jadnok, 27, was among the leaders of 2020’s youth-led demonstrations, which saw tens of thousands take to the streets to make unprecedented calls to reform the monarchy.
He was convicted for social media posts related to the king in 2020, a representative for Thai Lawyers for Human Rights told AFP. "The Criminal court in Bangkok initially sentenced Panupong for four years in prison, but later commuted to three years thanks to his useful testimony," the representative said.
Panupong faces eight more charges under the kingdom’s strict lese-majeste law. If convicted, he could be jailed up to 15 years in prison per charge.
prominent:形容詞,重要的、著名的。例句:This speech made him prominent in the party.(這場演說讓他在黨內佔有一席之地)
commute:動詞,減輕刑罰或是債務。例句:His sentence was commuted from death to life imprisonment.(他由死刑改判為終身監禁。)