The Rise of Netflix 網飛的崛起


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Asbestos-like material in air nixes tourism on battleship isle  軍艦島觀光因空氣中有類石棉物質而喊卡


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Studying for an exam can be extremely stressful. No matter how ready you are, there's always a risk that something bad could happen on exam day. Maybe you get surprised by a question, or you lose your cool and write a bad answer.


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Reducing Pollution with Fish Skin and Algae  魚皮海藻塑膠,環保愛地球


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Back to basics: Can Croatia revive nudisms glory days? 返璞歸真:克羅埃西亞能否重現天體主義的光榮時代?


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The Little Mermaid That Became Part of Our World 開創迪士尼動畫新時代的《小美人魚》


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Deepfakes capitalize on urgency 「深度偽造」趁亂打劫


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When to Reach for a Glass of Water  喝水的時機


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Point Nemo: The Loneliest Place on Earth  尼莫點:地球上最孤寂的地方


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