
Symbols Speaking Louder Than Words  符號趣談

Helen Yeh




There are many special symbols that are used in place of words. Even though you see them every day, you might not know where they come from. Let's take a look at the origins and meanings of some of the more popular symbols.



The "At" Sign: @

「小老鼠」符號 @


One popular symbol is the "at" sign. Its first known use was in a letter that was written by a 16th-century Italian merchant. He used the sign to represent units of wine and other goods. This symbol continued to play an important role in business, but it fell out of fashion in the 19th century. In the 1970s, computer engineer Ray Tomlinson chose to use it for e-mail addresses.



The Ampersand: &



Another common symbol is the ampersand. It can be traced back to the first century. It came from the word et, the Latin term for "and." The letters e and t were often written together as one character to make writing easier. Over time, the character gained the familiar shape that we know today.

另一個常見的符號是& (表示「和」)。它可以追溯到西元一世紀。它來自et這個字,表示「和」的拉丁字詞。et這兩個字母常寫在一起變成一個字好方便書寫。漸漸地,這個字符變成我們今天所熟悉的形狀。


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