Trailing Carbon Footprints Across Borders 減碳大進展?碳足跡外包到海外


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Scaly, scary lodgers Frenchman shares home with 400 reptiles 有鱗片的嚇人房客:法國男子與400隻爬蟲動物共享屋子


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Why Are Puffins Vanishing? 海鸚為何變少?冰島生態警訊.


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Indonesia aims to take a bite out of food waste one wedding at a time 印尼致力減少每場婚禮浪費的食物


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James Harden—A Star on and off the Court 年度最有價值籃球員——詹姆士.哈登


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Vietnamese capital Hanoi asks people not to eat dog meat 越南首都河內要求民眾別吃狗肉


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The New Science of Cooking 科學與藝術的廚房


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A surprising bullying battlegroundSenior centers 令人意外的霸凌戰場:老人中心


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Beach With No Water’ Draws Sneers in Rome 市長設「無水海灘」羅馬人罵翻


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Why You Shouldn’t Flush Contact Lenses Down the Toilet 為什麼你不該把隱形眼鏡丟進馬桶沖掉


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