Failing your driving test on the first go makes you a better driver-第一次上路考駕照失敗,可以讓你成為更好的駕駛


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芬蘭學校的成功秘訣 Schools in Finland: The Secret of Their Success


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Japans extra-slim Cinderella weight diet target sparks debate-日本超瘦「灰姑娘體重」飲食目標引發辯論


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Park Mak-rye: South Korea's One-of-a-kind YouTube Star   南韓奶奶的 YouTube 異想世界


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Number of newborns lowest ever-南韓新生兒數創新低


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絕不乏味的桌遊 Board but Never Boring


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English pub scraps snail race as cold makes competitors sluggish-天氣太冷動作更慢 英國酒吧蝸牛賽跑不辦了


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Shedding Light on Lady Liberty 你所不知道的自由女神像


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Cow Who Escaped Slaughter And Swam To Island Dies After Recapture-逃脫屠宰並游到荒島求生的母牛,在被捕回後死亡


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A New Insight into the Disappearance of the Dodo傻傻惹人憐的多多鳥


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