Sweets at supermarket tills are ‘fuelling obesity crisis’ 超市收銀台的糖果「助長肥胖危機」


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Myanmar’s ’tallest man’ undergoes successful surgery 緬甸「最高男」經歷成功手術


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US woman’s pre-mastectomy dance video goes viral 美婦女乳房切除手術前的熱舞影片造成轟動


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Afternoon naps aid children’s learning 午睡幫助孩子學習


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George H.W. Bush shaves head in support of boy with leukemia 老布希剃光頭支持血癌男童


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Obama, India’s leader renew pledge to deepen ties 歐巴馬、印度領導人重申深化關係誓言


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Our English is not so great say Italians, Germans, French 義大利、德國、法國人都說,我們的英文不太好


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Cyber criminals steal $1 billion according to Symantec’s report 根據賽門鐵克報告 網路犯罪份子竊取10億美元


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Mythical yeti ’could be descended from ancient polar bear’ 傳說中的雪人「可能是古代北極熊的後代」


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’Pharmacist’ pope hands out rosaries as spiritual medicine 「藥劑師」教宗發送玫瑰經念珠當作靈性良藥


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