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Living Life to the Fullest, Even with Disabilities

突破困境把握人生 —— 蕾貝卡‧亞歷山大

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Japanese designer creates solar powered coat that charges your phone 日本設計師創造出可幫手機充電的太陽能外套


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Putting Time on Your Side with the Pomodoro Technique  番茄時間管理法讓工作更有效率

Jay Sailors

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Living in space appears to reverse key ageing processes, study finds-研究發現,住在太空看來像是逆轉老化過程的關鍵


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Getting Fit with a Personal Trainer  甩肉?塑身?找私人健身教練就對了!


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Get ready to crawl! Yes, crawling is the new fitness trend for 2017 準備好爬行!沒錯,爬行是2017年的健身趨勢


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A Balanced Life   漫步雲端‧步步驚心


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The incredible lunar TEMPLE 不可思議的「月球聖殿」


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Celebrating 150 Years of Canadian Beauty暢遊加拿大國家公園


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Sitting Too Much Ages You By 8 Years 久坐不起讓你老8


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Pictures from the Floating World  江戶浮世百態的寫照 ── 浮世繪


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Worlds primates facing extinction crisis, new report says 新報告說,世界靈長類動物瀕臨滅絕危機


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A Glimpse of the Future: Bionic Lens Set to Boost Vision  「仿生鏡」讓你迅速恢復視力健康

James Baron

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Bones may be doing our pet dogs more harm than good 狗狗咬骨頭 壞處可能多於好處


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Finding Fortune with New Year's Traditions  全球各地迎新年

Oliver Flaherty

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Children who drink full-fat milk end up slimmer 小孩喝全脂牛奶結果變得更瘦


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Lagos: The Future New York City of Africa?  拉哥斯:非洲未來的紐約市?


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Facebook agrees to distribute targeted Amber Alerts to nearby users 臉書同意對靠近目標的用戶發佈安珀警戒


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Borrowing Your Wardrobe  到時尚圖書館借衣服


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In Zurich, Exploring Art and the Outdoors在蘇黎世,探訪藝術和戶外活動


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