Until she introduced "magic cheese" to her sick and aging bulldog, Laura Bugni-Daniel watched him suffer for two years. He’d spend his days lying down or throwing up.
Today, at age 12, he plays like a puppy through the day, his fur is soft and he sleeps at night, soothed not by magic, but by the dose of marijuana in that cheese.
Bugni-Daniel is part of a growing movement to give medical marijuana to pets in pain. Many urge caution until there’s better science behind it. But stories abound about changes in sick and dying pets after they’ve been given cannabis — even though it isn’t a proven pain killer for man or mutt, and it’s an illicit drug under federal law despite being legal for people in 19 states and the District of Columbia.
Leading the charge is Los Angeles veterinarian Doug Kramer, 36, known as the "Vet Guru," who felt it was his duty to speak out.
"I grew tired of euthanizing pets when I wasn’t doing everything I could to make their lives better," he said. "I felt like I was letting them down."(AP)
throw up︰嘔吐;也有產出之意。例句︰Our country has thrown up many good writers.(我國出了許多優秀的作家。)
lead the charge︰帶頭衝鋒、領導、率先。例句︰He is leading the charge to fight against childhood cancer. (他領導對抗兒童癌症。)
let down︰使失望、使沮喪。例句︰She felt let down when he didn’t phone her.(他沒打電話給她讓她感到沮喪。)
本文引用自 自由時報電子報 http://www.libertytimes.com.tw/