The Buzzing Photographers
Every time there is a movie premiere, an awards show, or any event that draws the rich and famous, you will see them. With cameras in hand, they do anything and everything to catch celebrities looking their best and worst. They are the paparazzi, and they will stop at nothing to get that next hot shot.
You have probably heard the word paparazzi over and over again, but where does it come from? It’s actually from a film by Federico Fellini called La Dolce Vita. One of the characters in the movie is a news photographer by the name of Paparazzo. According to Fellini, the word describes an unpleasant sound, like the buzzing of a mosquito in your ear.
你可能已經常常聽到 paparazzi 這個單字,但是它是從哪裡來的呢?事實上,它來自費德里柯•費里尼的電影《甜蜜的生活》。電影裡其中一名新聞攝影師的角色叫做 Paparazzo。據費里尼的說法,這個字是在形容一個令人難受的聲音,就如同蚊子在你的耳邊嗡嗡作響。