Honoring Steven Spielberg 世紀大導:史蒂芬.史匹柏
When a movie becomes a blockbuster at the box office, the leading actor and actress steal most of the limelight. Usually, few people recognize the names of the production crew – unless the name Steven Spielberg is listed. Spielberg is one writer, director, and producer whose name alone causes excitement globally, regardless of which actors are cast in his movies. Some say that he has the Midas touch when it comes to films, and anything he touches turns to cinematic gold.
一部電影成為票房賣座強片時,男女主角總是出盡風頭。通常,很少有人認得電影製作團隊的人名 —— 除非史蒂芬.史匹柏的名字列在上面。史匹柏集編劇、導演及製作人於一身,光是他的名字就足以轟動全球,不管是哪些演員出演他的電影。有些人說他在電影界有希臘邁達斯國王點石成金的能力,他經手的每部電影都成黃金。
The scope of his movies is broad, and the films he works on range from light children's movies to darker ones aimed at specific adult audiences. His 1975 thriller Jaws, which made him famous, is a very different movie from the 1982 sci-fi fantasy E.T. the Extra-Terrestrial that captured the hearts of children worldwide. Both Jurassic Park and Schindler's List were released in 1993. The first brought dinosaurs to life and the second portrayed the death of millions of Jews during the Holocaust. Spielberg also sat in the director's seat for the entire Indiana Jones series and scores of other movies. As a director, he is credited with 50 titles, as a producer with 129, and as a writer with more than 10.
他的電影涉足領域寬廣,電影作品從輕鬆的兒童電影到瞄準特定成年觀眾較黑暗的電影都有。他 1975 年的驚悚片《大白鯊》使他成名,和擄獲全世界兒童芳心的1982 年科幻片《E.T. 外星人》迥然不同。《侏羅紀公園》和《辛德勒的名單》皆於 1993 年上映。前者使恐龍栩栩如生,後者則描繪了在納粹大屠殺中數百萬猶太人的慘死。史匹柏也是整個《印第安納瓊斯》系列及其他許多部電影的導演。他是擁有五十部電影作品的導演、一百二十九部電影的製作人以及十幾部電影的編劇。