The Cave Carver 鬼斧神工 —— 沙窟藝術殿堂
When 69-year-old Ra Paulette was a young man, he did not know what he wanted to do with his life. He dropped out of college and joined the US Navy. Unfortunately, he was unsuitable for life on a ship and was asked to leave. Paulette had no skills, money, or home and ended up as a drifter instead. He hitchhiked from town to town in search of work. The quiet loner worked as a janitor and a security guard but was still not happy. Then, in 1985, he got a job as a digger, and Paulette's life changed forever. While digging holes, he discovered that he had a special talent. Using nothing but a pickaxe and wheelbarrow, he found that he could carve amazing artistic sculptures.
六十九歲的拉‧波萊特年輕時,他不知道他的人生該做什麼。他大學中輟,並加入了美國海軍。不幸地,他不能適應船上生活,而被要求離開。波萊特沒有一技之長、錢或家,最後便成為了漂泊者。他為了找工作從一鎮搭便車到另一鎮。這位安靜的獨行俠當過大樓管理員和保全人員但仍不快樂。之後,在 1985 年時,他得到了一個當挖掘工的工作,於是波萊特的人生永遠改變了。他在挖洞時發現了他有特殊的天賦。僅僅用了鶴嘴鋤和手推車,他發現他可以雕刻出令人驚艷且精巧的雕像。
A few years later, Paulette dug a cave on some unused public land and sculpted the inside into an incredible work of art. The cave attracted thousands of visitors and became so popular that he had to seal the entrance to protect the surrounding environment.
Paulette has spent the past 25 years digging and sculpting caves. His latest cave, called Tree of Human Kindness, sold for nearly NT$30 million.