Hempcrete 永續建材—麻凝土
Famous Americans like George Washington and Thomas Jefferson grew hemp. As a matter of fact, there was a time when people in the US were forced to grow the plant. After World War II, though, hemp was made illegal. That was because it is the same plant that is used to produce the drug marijuana. Today, that substance is still banned in most places in the US. This is a shame because people are finding new uses for hemp every day.
知名的美國人像是喬治.華盛頓及湯瑪士.傑佛遜都曾種過大麻。事實上,曾經有一段時間美國人被迫種植大麻。然而,在第二次 世界大戰後大麻卻變成違法的了。那是因為它也是用來製作大麻毒品 的相同植物。該物質現今在美國大多數的地方依然是被禁止的。這點 很令人遺憾,因為人們每天都會發現大麻的新用途。
Hemp has long been known as a great fiber for clothing and paper, but it has only recently been used to construct houses. Hempcrete is a sustainable building material made from a mixture of hemp, water, and lime. It can be used as insulation and on roofs, walls, and floors. Just like regular wood, hempboard can be made into counter tops, shelves, and walls. Hemp's uses are endless, but it will still take time for people to realize that it is not a drug. Even so, it is good to know that people are still trying to come up with new ways to use hemp.
大麻一直以來都以做為製作衣服及紙張的優良纖維著稱,但是它 在近期才被用來建造房屋。麻凝土是由大麻、水及石灰的混合物所做 成的一種可永續使用的建材。它可被用來當作屋頂、牆壁及地板的絕 緣材料。就像一般的木材一樣,麻纖維板可以做成工作檯面、架子和 牆。其用途是無窮的,但仍會花人們一些時間去了解大麻並非毒品。 儘管如此,知道人們依然試著提出大麻的新用途還是很令人高興。