Eating legumes may aid in weight loss 豆類食物或許能幫你減重
Eating beans, peas, lentils or chickpeas every day may help dieters lose a little extra weight, according to a new analysis of existing research.
Researchers examined data from two dozen trials and found that participants who ate about three quarters of a cup of legumes every day lost about three quarters of a pound more than those who didn’t eat legumes, regardless of whether the diets were geared to weight loss.
Legumes are an important sustainable protein source, plus they’re high in fiber. Legumes also have a low ’glycemic index,’ which means the carbohydrates in them do not raise blood sugars as rapidly as things like white bread or white flour.
For people who are not accustomed to eating beans, adding about a half cup per day is a good place to start. Besides, they can also be used in place of other starches like potatoes or rice.
The research team also suggests adding cooked lentils to salads and to homemade veggie burgers, or incorporating them into soups and stews.