


What percentage of the food produced globally do you think goes to waste each year? Five percent? Ten percent? In fact, it is over 30%! That is 1.3 billion tons, most of it perfectly edible. Think about all the people starving in the world and then look at that figure again. It boils your blood, doesn't it? According to a United Nations report, if just 25% of that wasted food were saved, world hunger could be made a thing of the past.


The worst offenders when it comes to food waste are developed countries such as the United States. The chart below shows just how much of each food category is typically wasted. Wasting so much food doesn't just affect world hunger, either. Food waste is also a massive contributor to climate change. When food is discarded, much of it is taken to landfills, where it breaks down and releases methane. Methane is a greenhouse gas with 80 times the warming power of CO2. Then add to that the carbon footprint created by the production and transport of the food. In total, food waste contributes around 6% of all global greenhouse gas emissions.


Some food is wasted during the production process, often because of bad weather damaging crops or overproduction. But around 43% of all food waste happens at home. By simply changing our personal behavior—by buying more conscientiously or finding ways to use up leftovers—we could dramatically reduce this figure. All it takes is a few simple lifestyle changes, and we could have a real positive impact on both world hunger and climate change.


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