
The Buzz on Bees 蜜蜂知多少




  People love and hate insects. They scare us, but they are also very important. Bees are extra special because they help many plants grow. They help pollinate the plants to get them to produce fruits and vegetables. Without bees or other insects, we would not have food. That is a big job. It is also why we have the saying, as busy as a bee. Bees work all day long to collect pollen from plants and bring it back to their hive.


  The collected pollen is then used to make honey. The honey is food for the bees to eat during the winter. Luckily for us, bees are so good at working that they make enough honey to share. It can be collected and sold for food. It is very healthy and keeps skin and hair looking great. It also improves one's health and can even be put on cuts to help them heal. Unfortunately, bee colonies all over the world are dying, but no one knows exactly why. However, everyone should be worried about it. A lot of research is being done to help save the world's bees.



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