Quiet Please! Don't Disturb the Pandas  請安靜!別打擾貓熊




Pandas, which are found only in the mountainous regions of China, are at risk of disappearing completely. One reason for this is that these creatures stubbornly refuse to mate. For a long time, scientists have been trying to understand why.



A recent test at the San Diego Zoo may have found the answer: pandas may be put off mating by noise. In the test, pandas were taught to move whenever they heard a noise. It was discovered that these bears have excellent ears and are very sensitive to sound.



This discovery is important because pandas use sound to find mates. They bark at each other from far away, and the sound they make contains information about where they are. Pandas continue to communicate like this even when they get close to each other. If noises from human activity disturb them, they may find it difficult to locate a partner. By gaining a better understanding of how noise affects panda behavior, scientists hope to ensure the survival of these lovely bears.



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