
Putting Time on Your Side with the Pomodoro Technique  番茄時間管理法讓工作更有效率

Jay Sailors




Between smartphones and computers, we have more distractions today than ever before. It's critical,1 therefore, to find ways to work efficiently2 and avoid procrastination. For many, the simple, low-tech Pomodoro Technique is the answer.



Developed by Francesco Cirillo, this simple, easy-to-learn technique begins with a kitchen timer. Just set the timer for 25 minutes, work until time is up, take a five-minute break, and then repeat. Each work period is called a pomodoro, which is Italian for "tomato"; the name comes from the tomato-shaped timer Cirillo used in college.3 After four pomodoro sessions, take a longer break of 25 to 30 minutes. The regular breaks help keep your mind fresh, improving your focus and ability to think.



Using this technique, you can easily track your work. For each pomodoro completed, mark an X on a piece of paper to judge your progress. Of course, this method is not for everyone and isn't best for every type of work. Many people, though, have found it to be a fantastic4 way to regulate5 how they work or study and improve their efficiency. Just be careful not to get distracted before breaking for lunch—racking up all those "tomatoes" can make you pretty hungry!



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