Making Criticism Work for You 化批評為助力
—Jay Sailors
We all like to be praised, but for many of us, criticism can be hard to swallow. However, listening to criticism—whether it's at school, work, or home—is important if we want to better ourselves. How do we learn from criticism, rather than letting it get the best of us?
To begin with, when you hear criticism, focus on what's being said and not how it's being said. People often criticize when they're angry, and that can lead to hurt feelings. Therefore, if your boss angrily complains that your work is insufficient, don't pay attention to the angry tone. Instead, think about what your boss said, and ask yourself if it's true. If it is, then find ways to improve.
Next, don't respond to criticism immediately. Responding out of a sense of injured pride may make you regret your words. Lastly, don't take criticism personally. If your teacher says your report was poorly done, listen carefully to your teacher's opinions and suggestions so that you can do better the next time. Keep in mind that the teacher is criticizing the report, not you.