Goa──Proving That Size Does Not Equal Might 果亞──印度的世外桃源
India, whose population and economy are expected to overtake China's within the decade, is a challenging country to analyze as a whole. Breaking it down regionally yields much greater clarity in area-specific trends and their causes.
Goa, located halfway down India's western coast, has the distinction of being the country's smallest state by area but nevertheless enjoys widespread international fame. As a globally sought-after holiday destination, Goa rides on tourism as the biggest driver of its economy. It placed as one of India's fastest-growing and highest-earning states in 2015 to 2016, with its net state domestic product reaching US$4,765.7 per capita.
位於印度中部西岸的果亞,雖有著以面積而言是該國最小邦的特質,但卻有廣泛的國際知名度。作為全球熱門的度假景點,果亞倚賴觀光業為其經濟最大的驅動力。果亞在 2015 至 2016 年間是印度成長最快且收入最高的邦,人均國內生產淨值達 4,765.7 美元。
Traditional sectors such as agriculture and fishing are still a mainstay, raking in rupees through exports of seafood, cashews and fruits like coconut and mango. Biotechnology and pharmaceuticals, Goa's newest industries, have also become significant earners, and mining is recovering after a statewide ban enacted to combat illegal extractions was lifted in 2014.
農業和漁業等傳統產業依舊是主要的經濟支柱,藉由出口海鮮、腰果以及椰子和芒果之類的水果來賺進大把盧比。果亞最新的產業──生物科技與製藥──也成了重要的收入來源,礦業則是在打擊非法採礦的全邦採礦禁令於 2014 年解除之後復甦。
Tourism continues to be Goa'zs golden goose, as sun-seeking tourists --approximately 6.3 million in 2016, up 19.5 percent from the previous year -- flock to its scenic beaches. Behind the veneer of perpetual parties, however, problems with trash, safety and corruption all threaten future revenues. The country's demonetization last year also sent many tourists packing due to crippling shortages of available cash in ATMs.
觀光一直是果亞的金雞母,因為追逐陽光的遊客湧入當地景色優美的海灘──在 2016 年大約有 630 萬人,自前一年成長了 19.5%。然而,在永無休止的光鮮派對背後,垃圾、安全與墮落等問題在在對未來的收入造成威脅。印度去年廢除紙幣的措施也趕走許多遊客,原因是提款機裡的可提領現金嚴重短缺。