A woman taking a stroll on a California beach found something unusual sticking out of the sand: a tooth from an ancient mastodon.
But then the fossil vanished, and it took a media blitz and a kind-hearted jogger to find it again.
Jennifer Schuh found the foot-long tooth sticking out of the sand on Friday at the mouth of Aptos Creek on Rio Del Mar State Beach.
“I was on one side of the creek and this lady was talking to me on the other side and she said what’s that at your feet,” Schuh recounted. “It looked kind of weird, like burnt almost.”
The answer came from Wayne Thompson, paleontology advisor for the Santa Cruz Museum of Natural History. He determined that the object was a worn molar from an adult Pacific mastodon, an extinct elephant-like species.
take a stroll:散步、漫步、閒逛。例句:After a heavy meal, we took a stroll around the park.(吃了一頓大餐後,我們在公園裡四處走走。)
stick out:突出、露出、顯眼。例句:He quite sticks out in a crowd. (他在群眾中相當突出。)