AI—Welcome to the Age of Machines 怕怕~機器們都長智慧囉~
Will artificial intelligence help mankind, or are we doomed to be replaced by smart machines?
We're hearing a lot these days about something called AI, or artificial intelligence. Some people are excited, saying it's a great scientific achievement. Others are worried about AI taking our jobs or taking over the world. So what is AI, and why is it getting everyone so worked up?
我們現今聽到很多關於 AI,也就是人工智慧的事情。有些人感到興奮,說這是一項偉大的科學成就。其他人則擔心人工智慧會搶走我們的工作或是統治世界。因此,人工智慧 AI 到底是什麼,而它為什麼讓每個人都那麼激動呢?
Put simply, AI is intelligence that is displayed by machines. In the beginning of computer technology, machines were actually quite stupid. They could only do what people told them to do, and computers lacked the power to do anything complex. Slowly, that began to change.
簡單地說吧,人工智慧 AI 就是由機器所表現出來的智能。在電腦技術草創時期,機器其實是相當笨拙的。它們那時只能聽人類命令行事,且電腦缺乏做各種複雜事情的能力。慢慢地,那種情況開始改變了。
Computer scientists began finding ways to program machines so that they could solve simple problems on their own. They could learn by analyzing data and taking steps to increase their chances of success. What began as science fiction has turned into a reality through increased computing power. A program in the 1960s called Dendral could help chemists identify unknown molecules. Still, it was only an electronic assistant. In 1989, though, two AI programs, HiTech and Deep Thought, showed advanced problem-solving skills after they defeated human masters in the game of chess. It was then that people began to see the true potential of AI.
電腦科學家開始尋找為電腦編寫程式的方法,以便讓它們能自行解決簡單的問題。它們可以透過分析數據來學習,並採取措施來增加它們成功的機率。剛開始只是科幻小說的情節,藉由增強電腦的運算能力已成為現實。一個在六○年代名為 Dendral 的系統程式能幫助化學家辨識未知的分子。雖然如此,它在當時僅僅是一個電子助手。然而在 1989 年,兩個人工智慧程式,HiTech 及 Deep Thought,在一場西洋棋大賽中擊敗人類西洋棋大師時,顯現出了高度的問題解決能力。從那時人們就開始見識到人工智慧的真正潛力。