Australia is experiencing a ’man drought’ 澳洲陷入「男人荒」
Six out of Australia’s eight states and territories are currently experiencing a man drought, according to McCrindle Research — and there are almost 100,000 more women than men.
"The man drought is a demographic reality," Australian social researcher Mark McCrindle said the country has 100,000 more females than males even though there are more male babies born than females. One of the reasons is because men are increasingly heading overseas to work.
Sydney on the whole has 98.5 men for every 100 women. The city is experiencing a severe man drought, with some areas having as few as 86 men for every 100 women. Hardest hit states include Tasmania and Victoria, where every single town is experiencing a man drought.
The man drought combined with women making up 60 per cent of university graduates left many unable to find a qualified man. Women prefer partners with an equal or higher level of education, but as they now outnumber men with degrees they may need to look elsewhere.