Mandatory exercise at the office, Sweden’s latest craze-瑞典最新熱潮:辦公室裡的義務運動
Workers spending their lunch break at the gym may be commonplace in most Western countries, but in Sweden some employers are pushing the idea even further, making on-the-job exercise compulsory.
Every Friday, employees of fashion and sportswear retailer Bjorn Borg leave their desks at the company’s Stockholm headquarters to get their weekly workout at a nearby gym.
There is no getting out of it:for more than two years the company founded by the Swedish tennis legend has made on-the-job exercise mandatory at the initiative of chief executive Henrik Bunge, a 44-year-old built like a wrestler.
"If you don’t want to exercise or be a part of the company culture, you have to go," says Bunge, without batting an eye. So far no one has quit because of the requirement, he adds.
The main aims of the policy are to boost productivity and profitability while fostering camaraderie in the work force.