The Month When Mustaches Take Center Stage 鬍子月登場!
What started out as a joke has turned into an international movement.
In November, you may notice that some men’s faces have more hair than usual. Many of these fall mustaches are only temporary. They are only grown out for one month to raise money and awareness for men’s health issues, such as prostate cancer, testicular cancer, and male suicide. It’s part of a movement called Movember.
While drinking at a bar in Melbourne, Australia, in 2003, Travis Garone and Luke Slatterly joked about growing mustaches for fun. They asked their friends to grow a “mo” (Australian slang for mustache) and give money to charity. The first year, they didn’t raise much money. However, it did lead to the Movember Foundation three years later. Since then, the idea has spread around the world. In fact, the Movember Foundation has raised over US$650 million for men’s health.
2003 年,崔維斯‧加隆以及路克‧史拉特利在澳洲墨爾本的酒吧喝酒時,開玩笑要為了好玩而留小鬍子。他們要求朋友們留個「mo」(小鬍子在澳洲俚語中的說法)然後捐錢給慈善機構。第一年的時候,他們沒有募到什麼錢。然而,這卻促成了三年後十一月鬍子月基金會的誕生。從此之後,這個點子流傳到了全世界。事實上,該基金會已經以男性健康的名義募得了六億五千多萬美元。
Movember is fun because it gives men an excuse to grow strange styles of facial hair. Some grow pointy mustaches that haven’t been popular in decades. Others grow thick mustaches like rock star Freddie Mercury. The possibilities are endless. As long as you have some hair growing above your upper lip, you’re keeping the spirit of Movember alive and helping to save men’s lives in the process.